Life Force

Life Force's Fundraiser

Save Borneo image

Save Borneo

A Project For the Planet, A Voice for the Voiceless


The spirit and imagery of the Life Force collection fuels a series of visually compelling and educational experiences that fund the conservation and regeneration of the rainforest in Borneo.

More than an art collection, Life Force has the capacity to touch millions of people through education and philanthropy. Visual artist Ekaterina Sky has committed to raising awareness about vanishing ecosystems while generating a means to help support Health in Harmony, an international nonprofit dedicated to reversing deforestation and climate change.

Health in Harmony do so in a non-colonial way through human-centered solutions with local communities that involve healthcare and forest restoration in Borneo, Indonisia. Ekaterina has completed twelve paintings, six research articles on Borneo Conservation, written 20,000 words of the Life Force book, and has begun filming the documentary chronicling the inspiration and process of creating the paintings.

Join us in raising awareness about deforestation in Borneo and inspiring others to become changemakers through art collection and murals around the world. Your donation will go a long way to help meet our goal to bring the project to the people with our non-profit partner, Creative Visions Foundation.