Last Flight Home Impact Campaign's Fundraiser

If you want to learn how to live, watch this film about how to die.
Help us change the law and get terminally-ill people their basic human right!
Nearly 2 Million people every year are on hospice in the U.S. alone. Yet, Medical Aid-In-Dying is only legal in 10 states and Washington D.C.
LAST FLIGHT HOME has already made an impact on religious and state law.
Please help us to share the many lessons we learned on our family’s journey, and the wisdom of our father Eli.
Let’s change the law.
Our Goal is to have
LAST FLIGHT HOME screenings & discussions at:
200 Colleges
150 Medical Schools
150 Religious Institutions
10 State Legislatures to Change the Laws
U.S. Congress and The White House
To Create a Dedicated Microsite with a Forum for Online Discussions around Death & Dying
Downloadable Discussion Guides for End of Life Planning
Interfaith Dialogue
Jewish Practices
Eli’s Book of Wisdom