Imbalance, a Feature Film's Fundraiser

Get involved in an exciting and relevant new feature film!
Join me and help make a difference, please give today.
IMBALANCE, a feature film by award-winning writer/director/producer Dale Griffiths Stamos, explores the complexities of the #MeToo movement within the walls of academia. This movement, an overdue righting of a wrong, has brought with it, nonetheless, dramatic changes to the academic landscape. With lawsuits against universities proliferating and Title IX regulations tightening, the once blurry lines between professors and students, both romantic and platonic, are now sharply defined. Against this backdrop, IMBALANCE tells the story of a highly ethical philosophy professor and her iconoclastic teaching assistant who discover a mutually powerful attraction. Will they allow passion to prevail over reason, despite the danger to their careers and reputations? This story also has broader relevance for anyone navigating the now rocky waters of relationships in the workplace and how to understand and respect personal boundaries.
THERE ARE PERKS FOR DONORS! See: https://www.imbalancethefilm.com/how-to-get-involv...