The Fluffy Cloud's Fundraiser

The Fluffy Cloud needs your help!
We've taken a lot of damage, help us keep the dream alive with a tax-deductible donation )'(
The Fluffy Cloud is a sound and light art installation built by a very small team in 2019 for Burning Man. Unlike most other major-scale art projects, we have no millionaires in our crew. No big production company footing our bills. And like many, COVID ate up all our reserves of cash. We are just a small group of overextended friends asking for your help to keep the dream alive so we can keep creating special moments for you all.
Due in large part to the rains of Burning Man 2023, but also just built up issues we haven't been able to afford fixing for years, our current estimates show us facing at least $50,000 in repairs we critically need just to turn the lighting system back on, although honestly double that would be allow us to get a lot more done. I'm sure many of you have tons of questions, and we encourage you to read our Reddit post if you'd like to dive into more details but for now, trying to keep this page short, here is the situation:
- Our LED lighting system was effectively destroyed by rain: $25,000-35,000+
- DJ equipment is shot by rain and playa: ~$12,500
- Custom staging destroyed by a Burner dropping a like 100lb crystal from 20 feet above: ~$3500
- Various built up wear and tear since 2019: ~$30,000+
- Workspace, heavy equipment, travel/food, for 1 month of work = $30,000+
We know our fundraisers around the country look like big productions, and they are, but that doesn't mean we are making money. We are not, not even close. We are actually net negative across our shows due to our dedication to try to create the most unique musical experiences for our supporters, and that costs a lot of money. We hope to be in a point where things could be self-sustaining after the 2024 fundraising tour where we intend to make some major changes to try to get things where they need to be, but we need to execute these repairs before we can get there, and we need your help for that.
Any amount helps, although if you can't donate, do please share this page with any friends that might be able to help support in any way!
Dusty/muddy hugs,
The Fluffy Crew )’(