Motherless Daughters's Fundraiser

Motherless Daughters
Offering Support and Programs for Women Who Have Lost Their Moms
Most bereavement centers offer services for up to two years following a loss. But few resources exist for those traveling the long arc of grief after that point.
And this is puzzling, because grief from an early loss will continue to show up throughout a person's life span. It can affect every aspect of adulthood, including relationships, job performance, parenting, and physical and mental health.
Most of the motherless daughters we meet grew up in climates of silence around grief and death after their mothers died. Their connections to their moms were disrupted, and they had to develop coping strategies to survive without her. As adults, they find these strategies may no longer be serving them.
Finding other women who understand because they have similar stories can be life-changing for these women.
Since 2016, author Hope Edelman (Motherless Daughters, Motherless Mothers) and MotherlessDaughters.com have been offering retreats, workshops, writing courses, and virtual support to thousands of women who lost their mothers in childhood, adolescence, and young adulthood. We believe that releasing old patterns is best done in community.
Our intergenerational, international programs emphasize sharing our stories with curious, compassionate others, and revisiting and revising our own narratives as our lives grow and change.
With the generous fiscal sponsorship of CREATIVE VISIONS FOUNDATION, we are now able to accept tax-deductible donations for the following programs:
- Scholarships for women to attend Motherless Daughters Retreats, as we expand our existing in-person retreats to serve up to 45 women at a time;
- A new Peer Training Program, to begin in 2024, which will train women all over the world to lead our unique Motherless Daughters Support Circles, bringing support and healing to areas that might not otherwise have these resources;
- Scholarships for our Writing With Hope courses for women to write and share their stories of mother loss;
- A new Motherless Daughters Community Call -- a virtual, weekly meeting place exclusively for adult women who have lost mothers in the past two years.
If you've attended a Motherless Daughters program, you know how profound the experience it can be. To sit in a room or on a screen with dozens of other women who share this foundational part of your history offers a type of healing that can't be achieved any other way.
With your help, we can expand our programs in 2024!
We hope you'll join us to help more motherless daughters access our services in 2024. Together we can break the silence around early loss, one woman at a time.