A Band of Voters's Fundraiser

Help turn out young voters in 2024!
Your support will provide grants and resources to provide basic civic education and voter information to help young people vote!
In 2022, just 23% of young people voted. Over 40% say they don't know enough to vote in 2024. Our democracy needs new generations of voters to survive - and thrive.
A Band of Voters (ABOV) has a proven arts-based program that works with student leaders on large campuses to register, educate, inspire, and mobilize their peers to vote. ABOV provides civic and voter education through our programming.
This year, we are partnering with the NAACP YC in Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, and North Carolina to turn out thousands of student voters where they can make a difference.
We are doing 40+ events between October 7th and November 5th! Your support will fund grants, materials, and FREE FOOD to student leaders to build a new generation of voters through peer-to-peer civic celebrations and outreach.
- CHAMPION: $6000 pays for 3 or more events for each campus.
- ACCOMPLICE: $3000 pays for all the food for the events
- ALLY: $1500 pays for all activities and educational materials.
- SUPPORTER: $1000 pays for swag, prizes and gift cards.
We are grateful for whatever you are able to donate! It will be an investment in young voters, young leaders, and in sustaining our democracy.
Thank you for your support!