Hilde Back Education Fund

Hilde Back Education Fund's Fundraiser

Assist bright, needy children in Kenya access education image

Assist bright, needy children in Kenya access education

Join us in holding the hands of a child and nurturing their dreams in to reality.


$23,303 towards $1,000,000

Many years ago, Ms Hilde Back, living in Sweden decided to do her 'small act' by giving a small amount that went into supporting a then young boy called Chris Mburu in a village called Mitahato in Kenya. This gift of education from a stranger, birthed a determination in this boy which caused him to grip the opportunity and excel in his studies. His education journey took him to Harvard University through a Full Bright Scholarship after toping his class at the University of Nairobi while studying for a Bachelor of Law degree. Year later, having made significant steps in transforming his life, Mr Chris Mburu founded The Hilde Back Education Fund to assist other boys and girls like him who without a helping hand would have had their dreams crushed owing to social and economic challenges experienced by their families and communities. Since its inception, the fund has so far supported the education of 978 children through its main program, 'The Sponsor To Child' Program.