Maxi Cohen's Fundraiser

God, Ego: Who's Speaking?
A Public Artwork, and More
After September 11th, 2001, when the World Trade Center in New York City was attacked, I was haunted by a powerful question: What motivates our actions and what is the source of them?
At that time there were 54 wars being fought around the world in the name of God.When President George Bush was asked if he asked his father for advice when he sent soldiers into Iraq, he said no, that he asked his “Divine Father”.
WhenJoan of Arc heard “Save France” was it the word of God or delusion?If we pray to God, how do we hear the answer to our prayers?How do we discern between the voice of the Divine and the voice of our own ego?
At a time when religion and spirituality seem to be having greater influence in our personal lives worldwide and hate crimes are on the rise, increasing our awareness as to what motivates our actions is a worthy inquiry.
GOD EGO, WHO’S SPEAKING? Is a public art work, that flashes the God and Ego back and forth, provoking the viewer to increase their awareness, regrading the source of their actions.It is a multimedia art work and photograph, and part of a series: The Art of the Pendulum, that includes many provocations for contemplation and as kits to be used with a pendulum for divining.