The Rhythm Child Network's Fundraiser

Together, we can create equal opportunities for early education in low-income communities.
Support the Rhythm Child Network's School Adoption Project and make a difference today.
Your donation will help provide a classroom enrichment curriculum that includes drums, books, music & training for teachers in commonly under-served schools. Help us level the playing field of Early Education through the fiscal sponsorship of the CREATIVE VISIONS FOUNDATION.
The Rhythm Child Network’s mission is to bring tools of higher reasoning to young children everywhere. These experiences allow them to grow as unique individuals while developing vital skills of collaboration that will be an incredible asset in the future. While working with children of every race, nationality, & culture over the last 20 years, our immediate focus now is to develop a resource pipeline for children from lower income communities to have access to high quality educational & developmental tools at home as well as in the classroom.
The Drum to Become School Adoption program gives private donors the opportunity to fund a music, drumming & reading curriculum that teachers can integrate into their classrooms with minimal training. The primary objective is to prepare children from low-income areas with more skills that lead to greater academic success.
Since 2003, The Rhythm Child Network has provided classes, presentations & performances that encourage children to explore productive forms of creative expression and learn to effectively connect with others. We know the benefits that come from a child’s interaction with music at an early age, so it is important that all young children, regardless of their family’s economic situation, get exposure to age-appropriate enrichment activities at an early age.
Because research shows that a child’s brain is almost 80% formed by the age of 5, it is imperative that children in these communities are given equal information from the very beginning to have a chance at reaching their full potential as they progress through school. Equal & comprehensive kindergarten preparedness is the milestone that we, as a society, should be aiming for to eventually level the playing field and close the gap that traditionally happens as children in low-income areas get older.