Change Content's Fundraiser

Screen it Forward. Save Democracy.
Help put THE SIXTH in theaters and college campuses across battleground states, from now through the election and get out the vote!
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A true patriot watches “THE SIXTH” with a deep sense of shame that this happened to our country and a deeper determination to never let it happen again. - Washington Post
Understanding the violence and scale of the January 6th insurrection is more relevant than ever. This non-partisan and very human film is about six inspiring individuals who came to work that day and continue to serve their country selflessly and patriotically. Democracy is precious and we all have our part to play.
THE SIXTH is important to see with other people. Watching alongside fellow Americans builds community, promotes discussion, and helps us face hard things together. For history not to repeat itself, it needs to be understood. Let’s watch, discuss, decide, and vote!
- GET OUT THE VOTE! We are partnering with various democracy-forward organizations like INDIVISIBLE to provide resources, grassroots outreach, voting registration support, and tool kits to audience members at our screenings.
- SCREEN IT FORWARD! You can make a difference! Your tax deductible donations provide screenings across battleground states in theaters, college campuses, and community centers. We can all share the truth.
- DONATE a ticket for someone else to see THE SIXTH go to https://gathr.com/payitforward/4653113f/the-sixth-...
- HOST a screening of THE SIXTH, go to https://gathr.com/films/the-sixth
- SPONSOR an event or contribute to SCREEN IT FORWARD: [Press Donate Above]
$1,000 - Help 50 people screen THE SIXTH
$5,000 - Help 250 people screen THE SIXTH
$10,000 - Help 500 people screen THE SIXTH
$20,000 - Help 1,000 people screen THE SIXTH
*For more information, please visit thesixthmovie.com or contact us at info@changecontent.com
"Sometimes the truth is like a second chance."