The Quiet Epidemic's Fundraiser

The Quiet Epidemic on Capitol Hill
Support a Special Presentation of The Quiet Epidemic & Roundtable Discussion
Help educate policymakers on the epidemic of Lyme and tick-borne disease through a special presentation of The Quiet Epidemic and roundtable discussion at the Capitol Visitor Center on November 20th. All donations are tax-deductible.
The Quiet Epidemic is an award-winning feature documentary about the history and science of Lyme disease. The film was the official selection of Hot Docs Int'l Film Festival, DOC NYC, Hamptons Int'l Film Festival, Woodstock Film Festival, Mill Valley Film Festival and more, which launched a limited theatrical run across North America and the film's impact campaign, which is now led by award-winning impact producer Bonnie Abaunza (Food Inc., Blood Diamond, Hotel Rwanda).
The film's successful launch, positive press and reviews, endorsements from celebrities like Mark Ruffalo, and Bonnie Abaunza's track record of critical causes and impactful campaigns has attracted the attention of Members of Congress. They're also paying attention because it's becoming well-known that tick populations are exploding across the country. What people still don't know, however, is that most doctors lack the tools to accurately diagnose and effectively treat those who are infected by tick bites—or through the congenital transmission of Lyme and tick-borne disease.
This past April, under the leadership of Bonnie Abaunza and with the support of Global Lyme Alliance celebrity ambassador Chris Meloni (Law & Order SVU) and artist Ally Hilfiger, The Quiet Epidemic delegation had initial meetings with members of Congress—both Democrats and Republicans—to educate them about the need for increased funding for Lyme and tick-borne disease research. It’s our team’s belief that we need a congressional hearing to discuss the decades-long negligence of this epidemic, and educate the public and policymakers on the need to finally prioritize solving it.
As a step toward educating additional members of Congress, as well as their health staffers, a senior Member of Congress has offered to host a roundtable discussion and special presentation of The Quiet Epidemic on November 20th. A tax-deductible donation of any amount will directly support the cost of a pre-screening reception at the Capitol Visitor Center, travel and lodging for our team, subjects, roundtable and Q&A participants. This funding enables us to not just get to Capitol Hill, but make a lasting impact following the events, by also funding our impact PR team who will engage the press around these events.
Lyme disease is the fastest growing vector-borne disease in the country with ~476,000 new infections each year. The Lyme disease diagnostic test is highly inaccurate, and even for those fortunate to receive a prompt diagnosis and treatment, 10-20% of them remain ill. Even still, Lyme disease receives disproportionately low research funding compared to other more rare diseases. Over the past decade, private philanthropic organizations have funded groundbreaking research, yet this science is not reaching the mainstream and the general public is largely unaware of the risks until they or someone they love becomes ill.
Our health agencies have neglected to properly respond to a public health crisis of this scale with the urgency and resources it deserves. It's time to educate our nation's decision-makers on Capitol Hill, and this is a big step toward doing so—by bringing this conversation and issue into the spotlight.
Please help The Quiet Epidemic change the course of Lyme disease by making a tax-deductible donation today.
The Quiet Epidemic is available on Amazon Prime, AppleTV/iTunes and Vimeo on demand.