Bisesero: A Daughter's Story's Fundraiser

Fight denialism about The 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi, and keep Rwanda safe.
Join us in completing our feature film about an inspiring true story of courage and community that should be told worldwide.
We support historical accuracy and presenting true narratives so that we can avoid repeating the worst of human tragedies like the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda. The films about this event have been through Western lenses, and rarely tell the story of the victims themselves. "Bisesero: A Daughter's Story" will correct that.
"Bisesero: A Daughter's Story" tells the little known true account of the largest civilian resistance against the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda. The story is told through the POV of Epiphanie, the real life 17 year old daughter at the time of the resistance leader Birara. About 50,000 people flocked to him for protections against the Hutu extremists who were committing Genocide across the country for 100 days as the world stood by. This would be the only major film about these events told through the POV of the Tutsi, based completely on actual events, and will hopefully also counter the growing 'revisionism' about 1994.
Just a small donation will go a long way to help us meet our goal for Bisesero: A Daughter's Story.